1. vacant
  2. derelict
  3. forlorn
  4. unclaimed
  5. unpossessed
  6. ownerless
  7. Sıfat, Hukuk non-proprietary
  8. unowned
  9. sth which has no owner
  10. sth which is unclaimed
dumped car
lands in abeyance İsim
abandoned child
vacant estate
unclaimed wreck
ownerless article
unclaimed stock
unclaimed shares İsim
unclaimed shares İsim
ownerless dog
unclaimed merchandise
unclaimed property
res nullius
abandoned goods İsim
uncollected items İsim
bona vacantia
uncollected goods İsim
keeping lost property
unclaimed letter
vacant succession
estate without a claimant
abandoned property
vacant succession
vacant estate
to lie in franchise Fiil
unclaimed goods
flotsam and jetsam İsim

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

  1. Kimsenin malı ... sâhibi olmayan