1. three
The Three Little Pigs Özel Isim, Dil ve Edebiyat
third party İsim, Hukuk
third-country citizen İsim, Uluslararası Hukuk
carry three
long dozen
triple a
triple jump İsim, Spor
give or take Zarf
approximately Zarf
three stage rocket
to be in three months in arrear Fiil
after a lapse of three months
three months'gaol
valid for three months
three month's draft
three month s'draft
three months'draft
quarterly Zarf
quarterly-paid Sıfat
payable quarterly
to be paid by the quarter Fiil
quarterly publication
to appear quarterly Fiil
quarterly Sıfat
quarterly Sıfat
quarterly subscription
quarterly subscription
d- months acceptance
three months'acceptance
bill payable of usuance
quarterly bulletin
quarterly table
quarterly magazine
period of a month
three-month period
period of three months
quarterly interest İsim, Bankacılık
quarterly account
quarterly statement
quarter earnings
quarter's rent
at three months'credit
quarterly salary
quarter's payment
quarterly disbursement
quarterly settlement
quarterly payment
quarterly payments İsim
three months'money
three month s'money
quarterly figures İsim
quarterly report
fourth bill of exchange
three-month bill
d- months'draft
quarterly period
calendar quarter
quarter- yearly instal (l) ment
quarter's instalment
quarterly dividend
quarterly trade account İsim
at a prompt of three months
three-months deposit
d- months deposit (money)
to pick up for a pittance Fiil
modest fortune
three-dimensional film
diorama İsim
to be composed of three parts Fiil
movie in the round
three-dimensional film
three-power conference
three-volume novel
d- volume work
three times
to trisect Fiil
three doors away
triple nose fish İsim, Zooloji
adjournment of three days
to put in for three days holiday Fiil
three weeks holiday
d- weeks holiday
number with three digits
between three and five people
d- name paper
to defraud Fiil
three course meal
three meal course
to triplicate Fiil
to live three floors up Fiil
(building) three-storeyed
three storey house
three story house
(in weight
I've gained 3 kg
committee of three
triple room
to do the work of three men (three men's) Fiil
to triplicate Fiil
lateen sail
d- mile limit
to treble Fiil
ellipsis Bilgi Teknolojileri
three-point seatbelt İsim, Ulaşım
three İsim, Spor
to make in three styles Fiil
three-room apartment
to have three pieces of luggage Fiil
to have three piece of luggage Fiil
three piece
to divide into three parts Fiil
to be off three points Fiil
(stock-exchange) to gain three points Fiil
three digit inflation rate
to occupy three hours Fiil
d- hour lecture
three hours journey
three hour journey
three in the key İsim, Spor
three bank machine
to guilty on 3 counts Fiil
he came about three o'clock
three- column article
three-column article
three lane
calendar quarter
tripartite agreement
triangular agreement
tripartite treaty
triangular talk
triangular deal
triangular trade treaty
three-cornered trade relations
three- cornered trade discussion
tricycle İsim, Ulaşım
on application of three members
trifoliate Sıfat, Botanik
three-way adjustable İsim, Ulaşım
three- coat work
to gain three points Fiil
three vacancies in apartment house
in the ration of one to three
d- fourth majority
three-fourth majority
to gain three minutes a day Fiil
three tours a day
he eats three meals a day
baker's dozen
final-quarter figures İsim
final- quarter figures İsim
to strike out Fiil, Beyzbol

Türkçe Sözlük (Kubbealti Lugati)

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