son vermek

  1. Verb to abate
  2. Verb to put the boot in
  3. Verb to call off
  4. Verb to close
  5. Verb to scotch
  6. Verb to terminate
  7. Verb to put an end to
  8. Verb to cease
  9. Verb to give over
  10. Verb to still
to bring an end to ... Verb
to close a chapter Verb
to terminate a lease Verb
to bring a letter to a close Verb
to conclude a letter Verb
to put a stop to Verb
to put an end to sth Verb
to put a termination to sth Verb
to make an end of Verb
to make an end of sth Verb
to close a meeting Verb
to dissolve meeting Verb
to terminate sb's employment Verb
to give someone his marching orders Verb
to give over doing something Verb
to bring something to an end Verb
to bring something to a close Verb
to bring something to an end Verb
to break off something Verb
to call time on something Verb
to call off a boycott Verb
to call it a day Verb
to adjourn the hearing Verb
to break the ice Verb
to decommission Verb
to cease trading Verb, Commerce
to put and end to one's life Verb
to kill Verb
to bring the infringement to an end Verb
to terminate a conroversy Verb
to terminate a controversy Verb
to cease to do business Verb
to can Verb
to cashier Verb
to make up their quarrel Verb
to end one's quarrel Verb
to terminate a lease Verb
to bring a letter to a close Verb
to terminate negotiations Verb
to cut off negotiations Verb
to be up Verb
to adjourn Verb
to sign off Verb
to bring war to an end Verb
to bring the war to an end Verb
to wind up by saying Verb
to dissolve the meeting Verb
to go off air Verb, Media-Publishing
to go off the air Verb, Media-Publishing
to go off air Verb, Media-Publishing
to go off the air Verb, Media-Publishing
to finalize an agreement Verb
to update someone on something Verb
to fill in (on) Verb
to update Verb
to hammer out policies Verb
to put in the picture Verb
to give one's last employer as a reference Verb
to give one's last employer as a reference Verb
to breathe one's last last Verb
to breathe one's last breath Verb
to expire Verb
in extremis Adverb
to finalize Verb
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