1. change
certificate of correction
derogatory clause
the minority moved an amendment
forecast amendment
to make modifications in a program (me) Fiil
to make modiciations in a program (me Fiil
to make an alteration
they're having alternations made to their house İsim
to amend a charter Fiil
improvements in house buildings
minor amendment
individual modification İsim, Ulaşım
mass modification İsim, Ulaşım
modification İsim
amendment İsim
certificate of amendment
certificate of correction İsim, Hukuk
right to amend
amended version
amendment law
Closed for alterations.
to give notice of an amendment Fiil
protocol of amendment
the amendment was negatived
demands for amendment
proposal for amendment
to table an amendment Fiil
to force an amendment Fiil
proposal for amendment voluntary offer
to propose an amendment Fiil
to support an amendment Fiil
to table an amendment Fiil
to withdraw an amendment Fiil
to pass an amendment Fiil
to make an alteration Fiil
closed for alterations
to vote for amendment of the minutes Fiil
