
  1. mass
  2. pack
  3. bunch
  4. host
  5. herd
  6. squash
  7. flock
  8. horde
  9. swarm
  10. peck
  11. throng
  12. gang
  13. troop
  14. crew
  15. shoal
  16. caboodle
  17. boodle
  18. covey
  19. Noun drove
  20. trail
pack of hounds
the common herd
the vulgar herd
poor trash
dirty lot
band of fugitives
flock of sheep
troop of school children
copious Adjective
herd immunity Noun, Virology
to herd Verb
to swarm into a cinema Verb
to swarm Verb
to troop Verb
gregarious Adjective
to herd Verb
herd instinct
herd people
to have a lot of family trouble Verb
to come in for a lot of trouble Verb
There are any number of …s. Sentence
There is any amount of …. Sentence
peck of troubles
to talk a lot of punk Verb
a whole host of children
to be faced with a host of difficulties Verb
to meet no end of interesting people Verb
scores of people
a heap of people
to knock off a lot of work Verb
to save a lot of expense Verb
a host of problems
pack of nonsense
to be subject to many vexations Verb
host of questions
deluge of crimes
pack of lies
heaps of time
to reel off a list of names Verb
to hold a mass of details in one's head Verb

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Evcil hayvanlar ... keçi topluluğu

bk. şürȗ