
  1. Adjective negative (Kaynak: Evrim Çalışkanları)
  2. adverse
  3. cynical
  4. Adverb adversely
  5. negative
  6. privative
  7. unfavorable
  8. negatory
  9. in the negative
  10. negativistic
disclaimer of opinion Noun, Accounting
unqualified opinion Noun, Accounting
qualified opinion Noun, Accounting
qualified opinion Noun, Accounting
negative perception Noun
negative acknowledge
adversely Adverb
adversely Adverb
to maintain a negative attitude Verb
negative connotation Noun
negative answer
negative reply
in case of an answer in the negative
to answer in the negative Verb
adverse economic conditions Noun
negative criticism
adverse criticism
adverse comment
negative impact Noun
negative influence Noun
adverse effect Noun, Pharmacology
bad influence Noun
to affect adversely Verb
to adversely affect Verb
to have an adverse affect on Verb
pernicious Adjective
adverse event
negative conflict of jurisdiction Noun, Law
adverse opinion Noun, Accounting
adverse weather conditions Noun
negative averment
negative mortgage clause
negative testimony
to discountenance Verb
negative certificate of origin
negative certificate of origin
negative tone Noun
adversely Adverb
negative vote
to vote in the negative Verb
negative pledging clause
strings attached Noun
adverse selection
take a toll Verb
negative attitude Noun
negative tone Noun
to take a negative attitude Verb
negative response
negative input Noun
negative confirmation
downtrend Noun, Economics
negative reply
negative answer
downside Noun
strings attached Noun
adverse comment
negative response
negative consequences of ... Noun
to be ill disposed towards Verb
to cause a disadvantage Verb
to have low (poor) of sb Verb
to give someone a plump no for an answer Verb
to receive much negative comment Verb
to affect the interests Verb
pros and cons Noun
material adverse effect Noun, Law
Beowulf Proper Name, Cinema

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Beklenen ve ... gerçekleşmeyen, menfî

Hiç ölmeyecek ... bâkî, lâyemut