
  1. Noun, Religion-Faith jinn
  2. fairy
  3. elf
  4. hob
  5. spirit
  6. sprite
  7. goblin
  8. bogy
  9. ghost
  10. devil
  11. evil spirit
  12. (drink) gin
  13. pixy
  14. demon
mother's ruin
to have a stroke Verb
wheeler dealer
clever and crafty
Surah al-Jinn Proper Name, Religion-Faith
jinns Noun, Religion-Faith
BRIC countries Noun, Economics
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Noun, Place Names
China Noun, Place Names
to ring Verb
to jangle Verb
noodle Noun, Food-Kitchen
shoe flower Noun, Botany
chinese hibiscus Noun, Botany
rose mallow Noun, Botany
china rose Noun, Botany
People's Republic of China (PRC) Noun, Place Names
chinese quarter
Chinatown Proper Name, Cinema
noodle Noun, Food-Kitchen
chinese ink
indian ink
chive Food-Kitchen
the Great Wall of China Noun, Place Names
chinese water-torture tactics
Chinese star anise Noun, Food-Kitchen
Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) Noun, Place Names
reappraisal of our relations with china
South China Sea Noun, Place Names

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Pamuklu kalın ... yapılmış pantolon
  2. İnsanlar tarafından görülmeyip çeşitli biçimlere girerek ... yaratıklara verilen isim, ecinni
  3. Buğday, yulaf, arpa gibi tahılların damıtılmasıyle ... edilen bir çeşit içki
  4. bk. –cın

İsimden isim yapma eki
bk. çın
Kıvrım, büklüm
Sonuna geldiği kelimelere “derleyen, toplayan” anlamı ... usûlüyle birleşik sıfatlar yapar
bk. –cın
Mâdenî, cam ... çıkan ses
Doğru, gerçek; öz, katıksız