
  1. produce
  2. Trades-Professions product
  3. increase
  4. growth
  5. result
  6. consequence
  7. Trades-Professions output
  8. fruit
  9. yield
  10. Noun, Management offering
  11. bearing
  12. offspring
  13. harvest
  14. crop
  15. Noun culmination
  16. turnout
  17. spawn
  18. culture
  19. attitude study
  20. editorial write-up
  21. established brand , image , market , product
  22. finished goods
  23. fructus
  24. off- going crop alivre
  25. outturn
  26. progency
  27. Trades-Professions manufacture
  28. make
  29. emblements
product life span
wheat harvest
wheat crop
bestseller Noun, Commerce
factory product
manufacturer's product
make-believe Noun
figment Noun
imaginary sight
second generation product
blood product Medicine
cartelized product
winter crop
collector's item Noun
collectible Noun
forest product
marketing product
petroleum product Noun
oil product Noun
novelty Noun
embedded derivative Noun, Banking
colonial produce
state-of-the-art Adjective
(US) grain crop
foreign produce
flat steel product Noun, Iron-Steel
product of one's brain
principal product
intermediate Chemistry
intermediate product
waste product
defective product
principle product line
white product
final product
end product
generous harvest
overflowing harvest
bountiful harvest
defective product
natural produce
obsolescent product
safe product
natural product
replacing product
concerned product
first product
waste product
throwaway product
rude produce
manufactured product
finished product
generous harvest
marginal product
native product
net product
final good
end product
final product
prototype Information Technology
joint product
specialty Noun
speciality product
patented article
patented product
product development cycle
rival product
competitive line
competing product
competitive product
black product
last product
standardized product
imitative product
subsidiary product
trading item
spin off
subsidiary product
residual product
secondary product
by product
side line
spin- off
structured product Noun, Banking
creative research
substitute product
domestic product
growing crop
product analysis
product research
surplus product
dealer in produce
product base
production division
product budget
product diversification
range of products Noun
product variety Noun, Management
product diversity Noun, Management
product evaluation
to harvest Verb
product verification
production expertise
product differentiation
waste product
product fass Noun
range of products Noun, Trades-Professions
product range Noun, Trades-Professions
product warranty
product development Noun, Management
grouping of products
product grouping
product line
product safety
product image
product acceptance
product quality
product category
produce broker
produce middleman
product control
product launch Noun, Management
product cost
product manager
product engineer
product engineering
product features Noun
produce market
product planning
product policy Noun
product promotion
pilot product
product endorsement
crop insurance Noun
product class
product liability
product standards Noun
product information Noun, Media-Publishing
product overview Noun, Media-Publishing
product demonstration Noun, Media-Publishing
product exposure
product designer
product test
harvest collection
to gather in the crops Verb
to gather in Verb
line of product
to yield Verb
to bear fruit Verb
to fail Verb
product benefits Noun
product range Noun, Trades-Professions
range of products Noun, Trades-Professions
product managing

Turkish Dictionary (Kubbealti Turkish Dictionary)

  1. Tabiattan elde ... şey, mahsul